A gay fake ass telugu desi gamer aka cyko
(he secretly grinds garena free fire)
person 1: Did you watch today's gamer star stream
person 2: Eww you watch his streams? He's so gay
by Gamer Star Stan October 24, 2023
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Wolfy Gamer Alt is a Socialize member on discord who is extremely popular and cool. Most people would be confused who he is but Wolfy Gamer Alt is a popular man through out the server. He is well known to his YouTube videos that are extremely funny for some reasons.
man1 : Hey have you heard of Wolfy Gamer Alt?

man2 : Yea I've heard of him he's cool tbh
by Steven_A January 31, 2021
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When a person who likes to play games most of the day gets their technology taken away, and then spends their whole day sitting around sleeping, crying, etc.
Mom: I took my kids Xbox because he broke my TV and now he has Gamer Fatigue!
Mom's Friend: My kid always has that too! It's almost like it's contagious!
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A gamer who bets in lootbox, skins and crypto currency gambling websites.
Hey, I didn't know you were a gamer gambler? What do you gamble with… Skins?

Gamer gambling is far more widespread than people assume. Millions of gamers by lootboxes.
by gamduel September 11, 2019
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Typically a term for a new player in a game, commonly rust, that has purchased the game after watching a twitch streamer play, and uses in-game strategies that aren’t particularly useful and a more commonly used on the role playing side of the game.
Teammate: “There’s guy coming towards us”

Other teammateit’s fine they’re Twitch gamers”
by celynaskew@gmail.com January 12, 2021
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Noun; State of sitting down for a quick gaming session, then looking up to find 5-24 hours has passed since you've ate shit or moved.
Dude I was about to go on a date but I got gamer delirium and ended up slappin it at 5 am instead.
by americanaverage March 3, 2014
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Gamer Tics are similar to Tourette's tics in the vocal form. They are similar in the fact that it is in voluntary and short and meaning less. Gamer Tics are when a Gamer types in chat but then trys to close the chat box too fast and ends up typing the movement keys into the chat box instead of moving.
*In game chat*
Gamer 1: "Alright dude I got point B"
Gamer 1: "waewede"
Gamer 2: "What?"
Gamer 1: Sorry just had a Gamer Tics
by ArgonZoran December 3, 2019
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