"Because it is fun."

When porque (because) is asked in Spanish class, this is the typical response.
?Porque vivo en -----? (Why do you live in (city)?
Porque es divertido. (Because it is fun.)
by loflcopter March 14, 2011
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in spanish it means 'your mom is a bicycle because people ride her!' its a great way to diss your friends with out them knowing what the hell your talking about.
your friend: hey your mom is so fat!!
you: oh yeah well 'tu madre es una bicicleta porque personas montan su!'
by tu madre es tu mama June 15, 2011
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Fucking BECAUSE in spanish you homo
Me gustaría leer con mis amigos porque es muy guay
by SnuaX March 9, 2022
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spanish for "becuase i want" . Is a strong way to say it.
+¿Por qué vas a la piscina con el frío que hace? (Why do you go to the swimming pool when it's so cold?)
-Porque me sale del coño. (Because I want)
by lesaledelcño September 7, 2017
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