The drummer for the alternative band "The White Strips". People call her drumming original and not complex because its part of the the band's unique sound. This is complete bullshit. The truth is she sucks and can only do the most simple drum beats over and over. It's not rare for her to just hit the same drum over and over. This is not original, if anyone who actually played drums would know this requires no talent and can be learned in five minutes. Despite this obvious truth, fans seem to deny this fact and refer to her as simple and creative. Pick up the drum sticks and you will see why this is not true.
1) Meg White sucks!
2) No she is creative and original and very talented.
1) Do play the drums or any instrument?
2) No but still she has to be good how else would she be in the band.
1) Because her somewhat talented husband fucks her every night. Play a fucking instrument before you make a stupid assumption like that.
by the guyz September 15, 2007
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A style of drumming that is either considered or intentionally basic.
“What type of drumming do you do”
Personally I do a Meg White style of drumming”
by E000000000005 December 24, 2019
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