A twisted no good son of a bitch who was re-elected President of Iran by a massive farce and rigging of votes in the Summer of 2009. He is seriously staining the history of a once great country that is Iran and its people. He and his gay lover Ayatollah Khomeini would do well to just drink a pint of cyanide and rid us all of their pathetic souls before they cause anymore serious problems in world politics. Also may very likely be a serious patient of SDS (small dick syndrome) due to his need to try and rule the world. He is also giving Islam a bad name as well. Probably was raped by his dad as a child as well. Very likely is aspiring to be like Adolf Hitler. It wouldn't be surprising to find a copy of "Mein Kampf" in his very limited and low-quality library of crackpot publications.
You thought Osama bin Laden had a small penis; you should see Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Khomeini know's what I'm talking about.
by jmw51787 February 15, 2010
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Current leader of Iran, and probably one of the most ridiculous people the world has seen in a very long time. He believes the Holocaust was made up for some global Jewish con, because the Jews want to take over the world. Yeah, that makes sense. Also, he wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, and is currently working on a nuclear arsenal... I mean, power plants... to power his country, and cretainly not start wars with the many people who hate him. He probably has Weiner Measles.
I just joinde the facebook group "I want to punch Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the face."
by OneLittleVictory December 10, 2009
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