Greedo is a Rodian from Star wars that was born on Rodia. He was shot and killed by Han Solo in "A new hope", and will live on forever!
Wow! That Greedo Tetsu Jr is AMAZING! I wish I could be like him!
by Greedo Tetsu Jr February 27, 2020
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A phrase used to describe a change that is both pointless and bad. The phrase came from the edited scene in Star Wars Special Edition in which Greedo fires at Han Solo.
by Incarnadine256 July 13, 2006
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The credo of 'Greed' epitomized as Globalized, Neoliberal, Corporation State *Market Dictatorshop* Faschism aka Sheldon Wolin's 'Inverted Totalitarianism' or "managed democracy".

"There is nothing the Totalitarian Corporation State fights more fiercely than the command of Love."

Frank E Warner 'Future of Man' (London 1944)
That preople* readily accepted a Greedo of 'Greed is Good', albeit after long years of pervsuasion* & influentze* by the PR & Mass Mind-Manipulation Industry - the Advertizers* & Appertizers* - remains a wonderment to the ineffectiveness of true 'Christian' doctrine and Man's inability to regulate His own conduct, aka Natural Ethics.
by PartisanZ June 19, 2022
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