" Lady star " girl with a lot of dreams. Always wants art and something new to be her priority. Loves traveling, quiet and sensible. A inspirational character to be seemed forward.
Be Aindrila.
by Anurima November 24, 2021
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" Lady star " girl with a lot of dreams. Always wants art and something new to be her priority. Loves traveling, quiet and sensible. A inspirational character to be seemed forward.
Be Aindrila
by Anurima November 24, 2021
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" Lady star " girl with a lot of dreams. Always wants art and something new to be her priority. Loves traveling, quiet and sensible. A inspirational character to be seemed forward.
Be Aindrila
by Anurima November 24, 2021
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" Lady star " girl with a lot of dreams. Always wants art and something new to be her priority. Loves traveling, quiet and sensible. A inspirational character to be seemed forward.
Be Aindrila
by Anurima November 24, 2021
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An Indian name, this person is very smart, creative and cool. They love their family very much and love exploring and doing new things! Practically very shy but when you get to know them you will find out that they are a genuinely awesome person. They can trust you blindly but don't you dare to break that trust once. If you know an Aindrila, you have love of your life!
- Hello! Will you be my Aindrila?
- sure. Why not?
by Aindrila November 24, 2021
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Best person alive, sometimes a but cringe but she's still best
And if she's reading this then she's requested to text her bestfriend and thank him
Aindrila said that small shlok was cutu
by shlomkshlomk November 24, 2021
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She's one of the best people ever to be born, sometimes a bit cringe but she's still the best. And she is also very dumb and always depends on her bestfriend, Shlok to solve maths.
And also aindrila if you're reading this, thank shlok
Aindrila said smol shlok was a cutu
by shlomkshlomk November 24, 2021
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