A female that displays the following traits: compactness, non-conventional beauty, minimal to no make-up, not overly womanly, has a quirky charm, and appears timid or stand-offish initially. Once you're finally in her inner circle, you're really drawn but she rejects your advances. Does not mean "ugly". Synonymous with "adorable" and unrelated to ugly cute animals ex. pugs. Does not apply to men
Isabell is ugly cute! She wears maxi skirts and has cresent-eyes when smiling. I probably have no chance with her though but I really want to be her friend
by cuzimhappy11111 October 10, 2014
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Ugly cute niggas are guys that are ugly but you can see the cuteness in them, even though people think otherwise.
That guy that I follow on IG is a real ugly cute nigga.
by Badbreeeeeee October 27, 2019
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