Our world is one which is unable to accurately acknowledge the past, and the toughness of the situations that occured in the past because our own view is so ascewed to that of people from even a centery ago. Despite this people attempt to use our own morals and ethics in order to deem whether or not past events were appropiate, which is something that cannot be done -Charles Gentley inventor of When you need to find a source that says certain things and are unable to do so and end up making your own (source) aka Social Studies
by Charles gentley February 20, 2017
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One finds a lit candle burns their fingernail clippings then sells them in their front yard. this was outlawed in 1989 so dont do it! also theres a version where you burn your crap.
Jungkook: ima make my own candle shop!
Jin: as the hyung i will not allow you to get into any illegal shananagans like make your own candle shop
by #bts_army_purple January 5, 2021
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