gayest fucking game in the whole world. i feel sad for the bunch of gay losers who play taht game, yea all of them. in no way will there ever be a loser/bitch/fag/everything else-packed-game like this. the dousches u play wit in that game are all losers and at least 60 years old and sex crazed perverts, also disguising themselves as a female character. 100% of the whole population in this game no exceptions... wanna argue bitches? ill give u a million other reasons ur a faggot playing that game
look im so fucking cool by going on my little raids and then making a bunch of homo smiley faces then spinning around and wasting my whole life becuz im get made fun of every day by little 5 year old kids being a loser that i am.
by flipboi63 October 17, 2004
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Noun: A pixel art website that is governed by LexuCuFlexu, UnNamed, and TML. You either participated in it for one of the events or joined for the discord server and have yet to leave. This game consumes your soul for every little square you place, no exceptions. contributed to by many people from around the globe, most speaking English and some being bilingual.
Andrew: Hey! did you see all that shit, rather art, that I put on Pixel Anarchy Online?
Mark: Hell no, screw off you fucking normie, I don't even know you.
by Lavender Breeze December 2, 2020
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