a persons dread locks grown into one dread lock so shit lock
shit lock. what ever happend to that hippy shit lock?
by dawn schuyler joey martin February 21, 2020
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Someone who be eating ass and cock everyday. Dude just can’t get enough of that cock and shit. Sometimes he even sucks on a knee. Bro is just gay as fuck
“Bro why the fuck does Garrett always smell like cock and shit?”
“Cuz he’s a Cock Shit Inhaler
by Poopcum69420 February 10, 2020
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mia: i got my shit wings today
me: what does that mean
mia: i ate ass
by shitwings601 April 9, 2019
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Piss shit monkey is a new phrase used by young audiences. It is used as an insult to any gender or race. And no racism is inplied by using it. The short way of saying it is “shit monkey”
by -Not a piss shit monkey September 22, 2022
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When someone ruins your day they have steyned your day with shit / made it worse. Because it is not a physical stain it has 'steyned' your day in a mental sense.
Fuck ! ....my boss just dropped a shit steyn on my day. What a cunt !
by Dork cum April 6, 2017
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A simple procedure to maximize shit velocity and efficiency.

1. Clench (Anus)
2. Tense (Abdominal Muscles)
3. Push (Whilst Tensing and Clenching)
4. Release Force (Continually pushing though the entire process)
Oliver Weeding took the nastiest power shit the other day
by Shit Police February 6, 2020
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God shit is a play on the word "dog shit" and "god like," it references a player in a video game who is extremely bad, yet is still carrying their team.
by fat yosh November 8, 2020
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