It is when a girl that likes someone says the name of that person and usually has the name that starts with R-Z
That is a basic B-move
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To have sex with someone. If the sex is loud you move furniture to cover the sound
Move furniture: Hey Babe let’s move the furniture. So the kids won’t hear your moan for loud.
by Ry the don January 8, 2022
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the west move is a reply to something a guy named link says. Basically, Link loves vore or something. Link constantly says *eats you* but this time, he made a mistake and said *east you* now this is where the west move comes in. Before he can edit the message or correct himself, you want to quickly type *west you* and watch as Link falls apart knowing that you got him good.
"i really pulled the west move on that guy!"
by doinkass November 26, 2022
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During cowgirl sex, with the girl on top, before the man ejaculates, he grabs her and wrestles her over, ejaculating on top of her to show dominance.
Jessica: "Josh did the Top-Dog Finishing move on me last night, it was SO hot."
by Soonfald May 4, 2020
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yo, you want to go for a beer later?
i don't have money, i must makes moves.
by hewrah October 11, 2018
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An action that won't necessarily get you "fired", but will create a self-imposed cap on your future. An unforced error that leads to the demise of your potential. Similar to black-listing; this is the move that causes you to get silently blacklisted. You're not necessarily gonna get fired, but, you're going to be wondering later on "why do I keep getting passed over for that promotion"? That CLM you made- that's why.
CLM (Career Limiting Move)

Oof, Tom getting hammered and belligerently trash-talking management, puking into garbage can at the company party... real CLM move. His co-workers like him, but management has no respect for him, and have privately said they would never work with him after the incident.
John, you work at a profit-taking hedge fund. You going well out of your way to make your socialist stance crystal clear to management... you're never going to get promoted to manager. CLM. Don't do it, please. Find another way.
by JBinSF June 16, 2022
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