A continent between Asia and North America that only exists in the alternate dimension, Jason Canon. It consists of 15 countries, one of which is an island which parodies Alcatraz and one of which was abandoned in mid-1991 due to an explosion that destroyed part of that country. And african american JasonConnors14 lives there
JasonConnors14: Hello, my name is Jason, and I live in Africa America!
by rsthegwhre ewers August 3, 2019
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Mental state where an individual is overly influenced with American culture, to the point of hating his own
I can't believe that Jake hates his own country because of America, he totally has the America Syndrome
by Dirty Luka September 21, 2021
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What you say to America, when a random bunch of emos start hissing at you.
emos: *hissing at random guy*
random guy: america explain
by lavender, the obsessed mel fan October 14, 2019
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what you call pocket aces in texas hold'em given their ability to check raise, and slowplay your opponent(s) into betting, ultimately taking their money. would be a term used more often when winning a big pot, as in a high stakes no-limit game, hence the name given to the plane associated with the CIA which was said to have helped trafficked in heroin, air america--easy money.
1) opponent: you got american airlines (pocket aces)

you: no, just flying air america

2) (loosing to pocket aces)

you: someone was flying air america!!
by seattle_player February 4, 2010
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Leave America started as a joke between Harry Styles’ fans while they would perform. When it got to the lyric, fans would yell Leave America and Harry soon catches on and started listen for it.
Leave America, two kids follow her.

That’s the line
by Landplays15 September 25, 2022
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Commonly referred to as America by a majority of people (not to be confused with the Americas, a region/continent depending on where you live).
The United States of America or United States for short, is a country in North America. It borders Canada to the North and Mexico to the South.
Commonly used as a scapegoat by foreigners to make themselves feel better about the problems in their country.
Merica' has contributed a lot to the world, yet there are still some incels that think the world would be better off without it.
Foreigner: America is not a country! It is a continent!
Normal person: Don't act like you don't know we mean the United States of America.

Random guy: My crush just rejected me! It's all the fault of that pesky United States of America.
Other guy: Stop blaming a place you've never stepped foot in for all your problems you bigot.
by Thecoolesttoucanever October 29, 2023
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Some would say that those planes were hijacked on September 11th 2001, well I’d argue that the United States was hijacked.
Damn, it’s really a shame what’s happening to the United States of America. It’s really starting to look like Afghanistan. Only this time the terrorists are the CIA.
by Bill Jiden September 12, 2023
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