Known by the abbreviation “SSBA”, a Square Skull Bitch Ass is someone who is highly annoying and has a Square Skull.
I’m gonna GGR this Square Skull Bitch Ass.
by TheHorse8 May 16, 2022
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Doing the right thing. If I pay you up front for a service it is your responsibility to fulfill your end. If I say I will do something for you I should do what I said I will do.
Marcus why you never cut the grass, I paid you last month that is not Square Bidness.
by RedBoySB September 29, 2023
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life is a mug except the mug is on fire and you're on fire because you're in hell because he's so amazing and yet such a fucking dumbass
when Valentine exists in the same square 10,000 miles as Scotti, Scotti commits homosexual and becomes a fucking mess
by doctormoosh May 26, 2022
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i term in modern English used to describe a good mother
"This Elinor is such a square mom"
by nir5117 July 26, 2017
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(sa-hä-búg square)
1.A place where u can have food three times a day & will also b able to take girls home every night.

2. A place where crazy fuckers gathers to enjoy threesome.
Man 1:Hey H Sorkar where r u going?

Man 2: just going to shabag square to give birth of some liar bustards.
by Salfaan February 22, 2013
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