Totally overrated semi-talent who discovered that he had marketable cheekbones. Worshipped the world over as a "poet" by people who have never read a single line of verse. Mistaken as the originator of ideas stolen from far better minds- mainly Arthur Rimbaud, Aldous Huxley, and William Blake. Musically, a pitchy blues-impersonator with a one-octave range. Fame seems to hinge almost entirely on his young death.
Wow! Jim Morrison finally lost some weight, and now he's going to be a complete asshole to his bandmates! Until he dies and stuff . . .
by RideTheSnack August 18, 2008
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It’s when someone gets the PP wet and then puts it deep in the hole of the person while it’s misty.
Joe asked don if he would like a misty Morrison
by Me,clean April 4, 2020
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The highest (quality) comic book writer.Credits include Nameless, Seven Soldiers, All-Star Superman, and Animal Man.
That new graphic novel by Grant Morrison was such a trip.
by Hercules Mulligan August 2, 2017
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When a person is really bad with guns, even when they are born and revolve around them, they struggle to hold the weapons because of their differential size in the forearms.
Connor thoughts: I wish my forearms were the same size, but i jack off more with the left arm.

John: "Hey lets go to the firing range"
Connor: "NAH, I don't want to be a Connor Morrison"
by ConnorFirearms December 6, 2016
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A trademark of Jim Morrison. Heard in songs such as "Light My Fire" it is an absolute embodiment and representation of the legend. When performed correctly, the performer will take a deep breath, and then let out a very low, raspy, almost gasp-like shout that will sound like they've been a lifetime smoker. Popular among annoyances and pranksters, letting out a Jim Morrison scream during a family prayer without warning will guarentee a laugh 100% of the time.
My family and I were sitting down to eat our Thanksgiving turkey, and while we were praying, I just randomly let out a Jim Morrison scream, FUNNIEST SHIT EVER
by Stewy D May 21, 2011
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