1. the continuous explosive noise as made by gunfire.
2. the rapid, tapping noise of rain.
We heard the spitter-spatter of both gunfire and rain.
by uttam maharjan November 18, 2010
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A fat person who chews the butter from the outside of popcorn and spits it out.
I hate going to the cinema sometimes, it's filled with butter spitters
by Expert in the field of ladies October 29, 2018
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"Dude, did you see the turd spitter on that red head that walked by? I'd like to explore that cave with my gut shovel!"
by Third_leg_nog January 27, 2018
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When a girl is dipping tobacco and takes a load from a guy then proceeds to spit into a can.
Jessica had her first Kentucky spitter last night and spit it into my Mountain Dew can.
by COOCHIE BABY April 28, 2019
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When a male and male, or male and female have sex in an extremely hot climate or room and the penis and testicles become hot and act like an oven on the mans genitals warming up his semen until he ejaculates a steaming hot pile of ejaculate on to the partners face like a flamethrower. This has resulted in 2nd degree burns for some unfortunate users
Me and Yessica fucked on the hottest day of the year in our tiny bedroom while we were on holiday in Bangkok and It was so hot I accidentally gave her a Mississippi fire spitter.
by thelightlysqueezeorange July 23, 2016
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