Niock's are typically horizontally-tall. They are seen as dare-devils considering they wear shorts even in winter. Niock's are extremely loveable so if you get the chance meet a niock, give that fella a big ole' hug and a new bed (Niock's are always breaking their beds)
Woah dude is that Niock? He's so horizontally tall!

Ya bro. Thats for sure a Niock, look at those thighs!
by Unicorn558 February 18, 2016
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Niocks are usually quite fat and smelly. They enjoy short walks on the beach and cheeseburgers..many cheeseburgers. They enjoy wearing shorts that go below the knee, and you might be able to find them in the furniture store buying a new bed frame, or getting beaten on the side of the road by jews, because they are so damn hefty it is seen as a sin in the eyes of God.
*walks into bedroom store*

"Yo dude! I've seen that fat guy here like 3 times in the past month! "

"Yeah bro..he keeps buying new bed frames."

"Bro he must be a niock! Look at those hefty thighs!"

"Yep. Definitely a niock."
by Unicorn558 May 19, 2016
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