To dance in Thom Yorke fashion, as demonstrated in the "Lotus Flower" music video by Radiohead..
"That guys got mad yorkin' skillz"

"Hey baby were'd you learn to yorke like that"

"Me and this fine bitch were yorkin' all night"

"yorkin' it out"

also youtube "Lotus Flower" music video by Radiohead for origins of yorkin..
by gismo February 19, 2011
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When someone in a small town attempts to act as if they are more civilized than their local peers.
Demitri: "Hey John, you're still wearing plaid? Why don't you join the rest of us in the 21st century?"

John: "Hey Demitri, You're New yorkin' it pretty bad. You might want to pull your head out of your ass and join the rest of us folks who don't wear skinny jeans because they're uncomfortable and hard to walk in."
by Alfred Mckinsley March 2, 2013
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