Sw4ggygh0st is the luckiest person EVER in Genshin Impact.

She posts the best content on TikTok and the app should recognize her more :>.

She cried at the venti story quest, and SHE WILL DO THE SAME AT KAZUHAS I KNOW IT.

Omg ur moots w Sw4ggygh0st? YEA cool huh?!
by swaghilitchurl June 23, 2021
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sw4ggygh0st is my bestie AND my fav moot. She wants kazuha, she gets him. HER LUCK IS THE BEST she got diluc at 5- i think- pity. (I HAVE TO ALWAYS HIT HARD PITY). bestie also please dont cry at venti story quest ily <3
Omg Sw4ggygh0st got YoimiyAyaKazuha! i need her luck!

Sw4ggygh0st is the best! Ikr?!
by swaghilitchurl June 22, 2021
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