The prettiest hottest and sexiest of them all, the girl everyone likes in the squad, kind , caring and she’s always there for her friends, most of the time she has a resting bitch face but she’s the best person you’ll ever get to meet, she also has the best body and is the funniest . Just the perfect girl
Damn! Maria Camila is so hot dude!
How did Maria Camila get that flawless body?
I wish I were Maria Camila, I’m so jealous of her
by Supreme thong October 8, 2017
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María Camila is a wonderful girl , MC's are usually shy but they can go 0-100 real quick , if you have a MC in your life , then you should feel blessed

They can be clumsy sometimes , but they make it up with their amazing dancing skills
Maria Camila can also be defined with a simple poem, (provided by Yoongi's dogga)
She protecc
She doesn't attac
But most importantly

She is Park Jimin's wife

-María Camila sure is cute

by Yoongi's dogga October 2, 2017
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Is the most beautiful person in the world. She's married with a sexy mochi called Jimin. She's kind, polite, friendly, beautiful, smart, she's the perfect girl you need in this Universe.
by Papasfritas13 October 2, 2017
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