According to Jaliea's ( Leah) theory, on 23rd of September 1997, she discovered that she could communicate with the species called a "goat". So in January, on the date of the 29th, 2014. She furthered her studies and decided to name this spectacular; this wondrous happening of a miracle the "Shepherd's Law." In this current time it is now known to man that there is only 2 creatures that could actually communicate with these species including herself with the other being Sade. Both are girls and happen to discover this by letting out there inner self. They both got the title shepherd in front of their nicknames "Shepherd Syco" and Jaliea's is "Shepherd Leeuh" wherein both is obviously derived from the "Shepherd's Law." For more information contact anyone from Duncan Town, Ragged Island. The Bahamas about this. Some said it is false but its up to you if you actually believe.
ohh look it's Shepherd Sade over there one of the girls who discovered the Shepherd's Law.
by It Girl February 3, 2014
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This fake law was founded by Leah and Sade and has not yet to be proven.
Shepherd's Law is a bunch of shit.
by motivenation February 27, 2017
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