1 definition by zuzuboy

A zuzu is something which is typically 'cheesy'. A 'cheesy' Cliché would often be called a zuzu.

Zuzu can be used as an adjective or a noun.

Adj: “what a zuzu” – referring to a thing or a person
Noun: “that is such a zuzu” – describing a happening, incident or person
A traveler type person who fits the stereo type of dreadlocks and wears ‘traveler’ clothes – “travelers are such zuzus”.

When a mother brings her new born baby to work to show all the work colleagues – That situation is a zuzu

When a man is trying really hard to pull in a club by dancing silly and acting like a clown to get attention, could be referred to as a Zuzu
by zuzuboy January 12, 2012
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