1 definition by yuissi

Junkie Stew (or Nistipata) is a finnish dish, usually consumed by low-wage families, students, NEETs and... junkies. Every person has their own way of making this food, but they all share two common ingredients: ground beef (or pork, usually mixture of the two) and macaroni pasta and is made by frying the beef on a pan and boiling the pasta, then mixing them together. Other common ingredients include ketchup, onion, garlic, heavy cream, cream cheese and different condiments, but it can be made with almost anything you find from your fridge or pantry as long as it has meat and pasta in some form.

There are differences in how people say the name of the dish, both regional and by social class. Here are some alternative ways of saying junkie stew in finnish, with literal translations:

makaronimössö (macaroni slob), pääkallo (skull), köyhän miehen makaronilaatikko (the poor man's macaroni-beef casserole), spurgupata (the drunkard's stew), paniikkipata (panic stew), rottapata (rat stew), mieslapsen makaronilaatikko (manchild's macaroni-beef casserole), sossupata (social welfare stew), teräsmies (man of steel)
"It's the end of month, my bank account is on red and my head hurts after yesterday's kalsarikännit"
"Dude just return the cans to the store and buy some minced meat and macaroni for Junkie Stew"
by yuissi November 29, 2019
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