10 definitions by your testicles

After class, I came back to find my room-mate watching midget ass porn while doing the tube steak boogie.

I'm bored. Gonna go pick up a Playboy and do the tube steak boogie to kill some time.
by your testicles March 16, 2011
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Jap car company that began assfucking Detroit in the 1970s as part of its revenge plan for being nuked in WWII. Another part of said plan, enacted within the last five years, is to have Americans buy their fuel-efficient cars, then have them die in car wrecks caused by a deliberate factory defect in the accelerator pedal.
Toyota: Moving Forward...at 94 miles per hour, with the brakes on, over into oncoming traffic...only an 18-wheeler can stop us now.
by your testicles August 16, 2010
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Originally, a song by Rage Against the Machine from their self-titled 1992 debut album. Now, most people think it's a shitty song by Green Day from their shitty album 21st Century Breakdown
Lyrics from Rage Against the Machine's Know Your Enemy: 'Word is born: fight the war, fuck the norm!'

Steve: Hey man, have you heard that song "Know Your Enemy" by Green Day?

Frank: Yeah man, it sucks

Steve: I know, it sounds like every other rock song out there. I remember the '90s, when Green Day was cool...
by your testicles September 25, 2010
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