2 definitions by your moms fav fag

this school is stupid as fuck. most of the kids here are drug addicts and get caught up in the bathroom smoking or vaping. kids come in high asf everyday. some of them are even alcoholics. there’s a kid who s/a girls and they told him don’t do it again. uhhh wtf. all the kids here are either trumpies, rich white people, poor people, or clowns. there’s no winning
“hey what school do u go to?” “ oh i go to the “best” school in mass Whittier regional high school.”
by your moms fav fag November 16, 2021
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a bunch of kids who had no where else to go went to this bum ass school most of them or drug addicts but it’s not as bad as lawrence high But it’s still pretty damn bad
i go to haverhill high” “ oh bye
by your moms fav fag November 16, 2021
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