1 definition by your fav personnnnnn

Gracelyn’s are truly beautiful. They are very sexy and good in bed. They are very thic and skinny. They normally have brown hair and very very beautiful blue eyes. Every boy wants to smash her. Gracelyn’s have nice asses and tits. All the girl’s are jealous of Gracelyn. She is one badass girl, she can do crazy stuff and fight someone. There really good and fighting and get mad easily if you piss them off; so don’t fight a Gracelyn because you will lose. she doesn’t care about what people think. They are great girlfriends/friends there so loyal and have a great personality. They dress so good and have great fashion. If you ever get a Gracelyn in your life don’t let them go.
“Gracelyn is so hot😍”
“She is such a good girlfriend
“Gracelyn beat that girls ass
“she’s such a good friend, i love her”
by your fav personnnnnn June 17, 2018
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