2 definitions by y33kies

Jeong Yunho is one of the eight members of the show stopping, jaw dropping, chart topping group ATEEZ. Yunho is known for being the main dancer and a amazing vocalist WITH an acting career under his belt. ACE thingz if you ask me. Yunho is also tall, funny, and sweet. Very handsome too. His fandom name is yunhopowers, who are the best amongst atinyville. May I add these were words said by the great Yunho himself.
by y33kies December 3, 2020
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Jeong Yunho is one of the eight members in the show stopping, jaw dropping, chart topping group ATEEZ. He is also known as the main dancer and a wonderful vocalist WITH an acting career on his belt . Very much ACE behavior. Yunho is also known for being hilarious, sweet, and tall. Fine as hell too. He never fails to brighten a bitc-I mean atinys day. His fandom name is yunhopowers, who very much are the best amongst the atiny fandom.
Jeong Yunho is an ace puurrrr.
by y33kies December 3, 2020
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