3 definitions by xy

Noun: 1980's slang for a person who farts in the bath tub and eats the bubbles

Verb: The act of eatting fart bubbles
MOM: "Honey! Look! Junior is sitting in the tub!"

DAD: "Yes dear, in fact the little snarf just snarfed down those fart bubbles"
by xy July 6, 2004
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a person who has an insatiable appettite for banging transvestites.
A person who's the son in law of Jayanath - The pimp

A person who loves to lick the balls of a goat after drinking 13 rounds of Old monk rum.
Did you call Alejandro..

Cos he's behaving like an Ashish Iyer
by xy August 2, 2012
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Very beautiful with a very beautiful eyes and cute smile. She is very lucky if you have her.
My teacher is very flowers with us.
by xy December 20, 2018
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