1 definition by xxploitedxx

1. when you have a job skill set that is being exploited to a level outside of your pay grade and you conveniently forget how to use that skill set. (commonly occurs when a corporation refuses to acknowledge the exploitation of skill sets they aren't currently paying for but expecting at bottom dollar) See: holding out for more money.
2. when a party wants something that you know but holds out for money feigning to not recall the details. (seen in many movies)
Manager: oh you know how to program Cisco switches but you are an under paid hourly guy. hmm.. how about you go ahead and deploy that new network segment.
Employee: Yea, how about compensation commensurate with that skill set.
Manager: How about you do it or look for other employment.
Employee: Yea, sorry I was mistaken, I am suffering from fiscal amnesia at this point.

"Where is the guy we are looking for?"
"Sorry my memory is a little hazy."
"Does this Franklin change your mind?"
"Well what do you know, I think I remember now.. he is staying in that apartment upstairs at 1549 fourth street... 3b."
by xxploitedxx August 31, 2012
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