1 definition by xX_fUcKMEINTHEASSNIGGER420_Xx

There is a place closer than you think.

A place where you might see a black person sometimes.

A place where there's ONE FUCKING MCDONALD'S.

A place where you can't let small animals out at night because they WILL die.

A place where children never get shot, but you kind of want to see them get shot.

A place that sometimes looks like a rancid dump or a rich white Republican man's playground; and never in between.

A place where my school once went on lockdown because there was a stray dog on campus.

A place where sixty degrees Fahrenheit is too cold to go outside.

A place where the criminally insane were released onto the streets one day and now you can't go outside alone past 11 PM.

And that place, is a little town we like to call: Newbury Park.

The other day I saw a seagull kill and begin to eat a rat until a raccoon killed the seagull and ate it.

Newbury Park.
Tommy: My peepee tickles when I look at the other boys on the playground.

Kyle: What are you FUCKING GAY?

You: I want to die.

Welcome to Newbury Park.
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