1 definition by xXBeanieBearXx

Lilydale High School is a public school for people in year 7 to year 12. The school is filled with eshays, sluts and fake whores. To describe most of the females there is tanned skin, short dress, skirts etc, tns, nose piercing, straightened hair (usually blonde) also most might have an addiction to nicotine. To describe most males that go there have mullets, nose piercings, tns and grey shorts. Main conversation topic for a lilydale high school chick is sex, condoms etc and mostly the same for the guys but adding getting nudes from other whores as well as sports (mostly footy.) They're very judgemental and always have the same thoughts about everything. Just saying not all of the people that go to that school are that way but most of them are.
Friend: "Oh! You go to Lilydale High School?"
Me: "Yeah? Why?"
Friend: "Oh, you must be a complete drugo cunt then"
by xXBeanieBearXx August 3, 2019
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