1 definition by winning warlock

When you go out with a girl who you really don't want to be dating, but she thinks you are so into her and assumes it is a bonafide relationship. You want to/try to tell her but she ignores the facts and is clueless, thinks you are her man.

When caught in the chicksand quagmire you have been seeing a girl way too long, but can't shake her. These girls are typically either clingy/needy, so into themselves they are clueless, or so non-stop bubbly and uber- talkative that you can't get a word in edgewise to "break up" with them. Or you attempt to break up with them, and they talk so much, ignoring what you said, so it completely goes over their head. You are stuck in an undesirable relationship. You are so caught in chicksand!!!
"Man I had a random hook-up with Michelle three weeks ago, and she's telling everyone we are a couple even though I have tried to "beak up" with her eight times. I even made out with Hilary right in front of her! She just doesn't get it! I'm so caught in chicksand!"
by winning warlock April 14, 2011
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