3 definitions by wildpops1952

A person between the ages of 18 and 25.

An adult person of any age who is young at heart.
Jenna a 19 year old college student is a proud yadult.

Billy a 65 year old man who still likes to boogie is a vintage yadult.
by wildpops1952 July 14, 2017
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1. A state of being surrounded by nitwits.

2. A community of nitwits.
Iowa voters found themselves immersed in a sea of nitwittendom made up of presidential candidates.

Mitt and Newt were the leaders of New Hampshire nitwittendom.
by wildpops1952 December 19, 2011
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The state of having endured too much of the pretender-in-chief Donald J. Trump and his toadies, minions and family. Being fed up with Trump's tweets, lies and blathering.
Bobbie was trumpxhausted from the daily barrage of tweets and lies emanating from the oranged-skin buffoon named Trump.
by wildpops1952 July 27, 2017
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