1 definition by why do i live here

The worst place in the country to live in; aside from anywhere in Iowa, North Dakota, Montana, Minnesota, Canada, Nebraska, Wyoming, or Idaho. Known for corn, but not so much as Nebraska. Known for potatoes, but not so much as Idaho. Synonyms include: the land of rolling flatness, the land of bored shitless, one mall, shitty schools, expensive private school, holy fuck its cold, no middle class, homelessness, murder, rape, and pillaging.

Antonyms include: awesome, fun, not-bored, good fucking place to live, warm, not-40-below-zero
Things to watch out for: Gambling red people drinking mouthwash and selling siding from government-given houses, its fucking cold out, highs in the mid -30s
"God i hope i never have to drive through Sioux Falls again."
"Don't Sioux Falls me like that!" (synonymous with the word "fuck" as in "Don't fuck me like that!")
by why do i live here February 15, 2011
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