2 definitions by watcher350

A totally unique, intelligent, and captivating TV series from genius writer/director Joss Whedon, that ran for seven years on two TV networks in the USA and many other places abroad. Recognized as one of the 50 best TV shows ever made. Mr. Whedon's acumen with the "Buffy" series can best be appreciated by viewing any of the movies subsequently made by Buffy star Sarah Michelle Gellar (a.k.a. "The Duchess"), a second-rate actress with delusions of grandeur and an ego way out of proportion to her talent and stature.
"I'll kiss anything. Guys, girls...dogs."
-Sarah Michelle Gellar
by watcher350 May 31, 2005
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Sarah Michelle Gellar (a.k.a. "The Duchess"): a second-rate actress with delusions of grandeur and an ego way out of proportion to her talent and stature.
"I'll kiss anything. Guys, girls...dogs."
- Sarah Michelle Gellar

"Being a teen idol is what I've waited for my whole life."
- Sarah Michelle Gellar
by watcher350 June 1, 2005
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