1 definition by votre véritable nom

Kashmiri. A girl with gigantic brown eyes. Talkative to the extreme. Well-read, most likely a literaure student whose favorite book is probably something like Catcher in the Rye. Possible nicknames include Kat, Cat, Kcat, Ckat, Ash, Miri, Mash, K, and Ri. Warning: don't engage.
Dude-bro 1: Yo, wanna go chill with Kcat?

Dude-bro 2: Nah dude, she's hangin with her cat, Dixie

Friend 1: Whoah, Ckat sure does talk a lot

Friend 2: I know right, just the other day I was -
Kashmiri: HEY GUYS *throws head back and opens arms wide* I'M READY TO ABSORB THE SPOTLIGHT
by votre véritable nom July 11, 2017
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