1 definition by vivisss

The most handsome and valuable man on the planet. His big brown eyes see right through your soul, past your insecurities and see you for who you are. His drive derives from his aspirations and goals, and undeniably he will always get there. His heart is golden, and you will witness this first hand upon meeting him. His smile will turn your day upside down in an instant no matter the situation. His mind is what will make you fall in love with him. His thoughts have no bounds which make them the highest state of beauty. The highs feel like you, Raymoe. Always take your time to see his smile, eyes, hands, for there is no one like him. An empire created by him would never see darkness for the world lies in his hands. He makes you feel on top of the universe. A universe being never-ending.
Person: "Who is that person wearing polo?"
Me: "That's Raymoe, the love of my life."
by vivisss October 12, 2018
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