1 definition by vanilla.chai

Short for "Guy not to worry about". Comes from a meme "You vs. guy she told you not to worry about".

If you're attractive enough to potentially steal someone's girlfriend/boyfriend OR your actions might make someone fall for you who's already in a shitty relationship.
Dude 1: Brah, Imma go out clubbing with that girl tonight.
Dude 2: Isn't she seeing someone already?
Dude 1: Yeah but she told me she's going to break up !
Dude 2: Such a GNWA !

Gender neutral usage:

Chick 1: Why are you hitting on that dude? He's not single !
Chick 2: oh dayum ! Thanks for telling me, that would've made me a GNWA, hate those.
by vanilla.chai December 26, 2017
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