1 definition by uuuuuuniiiiiicooooorn

The most prettiest girl on the earth. She doesn’t talk behind peoples back. She is the best friend anyone could ask for. And if Uchka is your best friend, never let her go because i promise you will never, ever, ever get someone like her. You will never even get someone close. Love your Uchka with all of your heart. She deserves it more than anyone. Let her know all the time she is beautiful, smart and priceless and that you love her, that you love her more than anything. Remind yourself daily that whoever is in charge up there was feeling extra generous when they gave you an Uchka, because she is a living miracle here on earth.
She has a great personality so Uchka is the best person you can be sisters and bestfriends with!
by uuuuuuniiiiiicooooorn November 21, 2021
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