1 definition by urbandumbtionary
A Twitch.TV emote used to symbolize hype. Originally featuring an image of Gootecks, the name comes from a gameshow he used to host centered around the use of 'Milk Caps' or 'Pogs' in a game sharing the same name. In late 2020 the decision was made to change the image due to tweets from Gootecks that Twitch did not want to associate themselves with.
It does not mean 'Play of the Game' as the usage of this phrase was largely non-existent until the release of Overwatch in 2016, which PogChamp predates.
The use of 'POGGERS' and other variations of 'POG' are typically derivates of this one emote with their own emote via the FrankerFacez or BetterTwitchTV extensions.
It does not mean 'Play of the Game' as the usage of this phrase was largely non-existent until the release of Overwatch in 2016, which PogChamp predates.
The use of 'POGGERS' and other variations of 'POG' are typically derivates of this one emote with their own emote via the FrankerFacez or BetterTwitchTV extensions.
"PogChamp HOLY SHIT"
by urbandumbtionary May 19, 2021