1 definition by trust me it’s true

well, chavs are usual teens or young adults and are the sort of people you don’t want to mix with. they smoke, do drugs, skip school, fail school etc. boys tend to where shitty caps 24/7 an girls tend to wear tight jeans to show off they’re non existing ass (which they would stick out in photos) as well low cut tops to show off their tits, but not too low cut so you can’t see their push up bra. girls have these messy, floppy buns on the top of their head and decide to sing along to chavvy music in their fake designer tops with their drawn on eyebrows but no other make up on snapchat. boys seem to wear hoodies as well as their caps as mentioned before. all the chavs seem to speak like, ‘bruh, i’ll bang your out bruv. nah mate, don’t be getting rude. you’re bare snakey man. i’m getting vexed, lowe it bro. alow it. me an ma g’s will come shank u ousside maccies bruv. mums, mums i’ll do it.’
speaking of ‘maccies’ or ‘mcdonald’s’, they always seem to be hanging around outside but don’t actually have enough money to go in.
chav 1: “bruv, if i giv yu the last fag, u best mums it you’ll gimme on tomo bro.”
chav 2: “yeh yeh bruv, truss.”
chav 3: “ew look at that rags girl man, she’s bare dog bruv.”
by trust me it’s true January 8, 2019
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