1 definition by tinkertayler

The dictionary recognized word “low-key” is an adjective that means, according to Merriam Webster:

1: quiet and relaxed: not very forceful, emotional or noticeable

2: of low intensity: restrained

The slang variant of low-key (often written without the hyphen as lowkey) functions as an adverb. Lowkey is typically used to describe a speaker's desires or emotions. Lowkey retains the dictionary definition’s meaning of “of low intensity” and “not very emotional.” However, additionally, it can also indicate something that is secretly (perhaps somewhat shamefully) wanted or felt by the speaker.

In short, lowkey is used to describe a speaker's thoughts, feelings, and desires, and it means:

1: moderately: of low emotional intensity
2: secretly

The opposite of lowkey is highkey.
“I lowkey wanna eat an entire cake.”

“I highkey wanna eat healthy, but lowkey wanna to eat an entire cake.”

“I am lowkey in love with Kevin Spacey.”
by tinkertayler April 19, 2016
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