1 definition by thotimisprime

A battle between the gamer boys and the furries for control of the app "Tik Tok" At first the gamer boy seemed the underdogs, the UWU's and OWO's of the furries was very powerful. But with the extra support of the gamer girls from the kitchen, the gamer boys were inspired to go behind furry lines. Risking their life they invaded the furry bases and stole valuable information. Armed with Nerf guns the gamer boys launched a chemical warfare on the furries, infecting them all with ligma. Some even went as far as sugondese to capture the furries. Good prevailed and the gamer boys won, making tik tok great again.
Let us salute to all the brave gamer boys who sacrificed their lives in the furry wars.
by thotimisprime November 29, 2018
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