1 definition by thiccasian69

(This is coming from an asian kid)
1) They gave birth to you, so:
They can control anything you do (Going out with friends, eating, etc.) They can also choose what you can watch or listen too.
2) If you get a call from the principal or the teacher sends an e-mail, you will be
B)Stopped from using electronics
3)Expect super high grades.
4)More than 1 hour of electronics on weekends? You’re getting grounded.
5)You have to make up so many excuses just to leave the house on a weekend by yourself.
6)Extra cheap, only buys the bare minimum. You have to buy everything else using the pennies you found on the floor.
7)They will multiply anything bad your teacher said by 10, and divide anything good your teacher says by 10.

8)Super racist, thinks blacks and latinos don’t study and are stupid.
Michael:Didn’t you get a F on your report card?
Chang:Yup, my parents whooped my ass so hard it’s flat.
Michael:Feels bad man
Chang: I saved up enough money to buy that pc I wanted.
Michael:Cool we can play games together now!
Chang:My parents took it away and used it to buy 15 gucci slippers when I am wearing shoes I found at a store for $5.
Michael:I’m lucky I’m white
Chang:Feels baaaad. My parents want me to graduate and become a brain surgeon at the age of 16. I did the SAT when I was 5.
Michael:Oh hell no thank god im white. Asian parents suuuuck.
by thiccasian69 November 30, 2018
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