4 definitions by theydinosaur

National throw bananas at your sibling day
brother: “why are you throwing bananas at me?”
me: “because its December 17, national throw bananas at your sibling day”
by theydinosaur December 18, 2020
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National throw bananas at your family day
mom: why did you throw a banana at me?
me: because its December 19, national throw a banana at your family day
by theydinosaur December 18, 2020
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mom: why are you throwing bananas at me?
me: because its December 19, national throw bananas at your family day
by theydinosaur December 18, 2020
Get the December 19 mug.
mom: why are you throwing bananas at me?
me: because its December 19, national throw bananas at your family day
by theydinosaur December 18, 2020
Get the December 19 mug.