1 definition by thenewkhaleesi

Probably the most commonly used swearword in Hungarian. It can express anything ranging from surprise, anger, disappointment, fascination, basically everything, depending on the situation. In English it would translate to "fuck!". It comes from the phrase "baszd meg" which litereally means "fuck it". It can be used for emphasis or just as a filler in sentences
1. Bazmeg, elszakadt a pólóm! (Fuuuuuck, my shirt's ripped!)
2. *after a good meal* Bazmeg, ez de jó volt! (Fuck was that good)
3. *hears juicy gossip* Bazmeeeeg
4. Nem leszek a csicskája, bazmeg! (I ain't gonna be his servant, dammit)
by thenewkhaleesi December 14, 2016
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