1 definition by thehighcastleofchicago

An intelligent and cool dude. A force to be reckoned with. Not the typical failing in-math person you would find, but someone different. Someone who is interested in law and music. Someone that is down-to-earth and willing to support his friends. Someone who younger peers can look up to as a role model. A big meme and joke lover, even if you show the darkest memes or tell dark-humor jokes, that won't stop Adrijan from cracking up. All of that aside, Adrijans are good friends and boyfriends. They will always support and accept you for who you are. They will also stand up if anyone messes with their friends and girlfriend. If you know an Adrijan, please keep him. He's the only friend you will never be able to find. To any girl, if you ever cheat on him, it will be the greatest regret in your life!
Boy 1: Hey, did you know Adrijan?
Boy 2: Yes, he's my brother from another mother. We shared a lot of things in common.
by thehighcastleofchicago October 8, 2022
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