1 definition by thedrugdealerunderyourbed

Mounyat is an ugly, fat, lazy, unfunny b**** who always does nothing in her free time.

She loves to crack jokes but deep down inside she deadass already knows that she isn't even funny.

Atleast she's a very loyal and trustworthy friend that will always listen to you or even
give you good advice if you're having a hard time. BUT SHE'S STILL FUCKING ANNOYING THO
"Do you know Mounyat?"

" Yes, she's in my class, i cannot stand that bih"

" Lmaoaoaoo, same. She's getting on my nerves"

" Haha, yes F her"

" Mounyat under her bed: WTF DID U SAY ABOUT ME U DIRTY TALKING B****"
by thedrugdealerunderyourbed November 21, 2021
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