2 definitions by the sexiest girl at loyola

The hottest school ever. we are located on the north shore of chicago and we are most definitely hotter than your school. we have some bitches but we're pretty amazing. We have great sports teams and we're hella rich. oh and WE'RE BETTER THAN NEW TRIER.
"I was going to go to New Trier for highschool but then i decided not to be a loser so i went to Loyola"

"Loyola Academy may not be the smartest school but we're damn sexy"

by the sexiest girl at loyola January 22, 2009
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1. The polar opposite of sexy.
2. Something that, no matter what teachers say you don't ever have to use after you get out of school.
"i had it all, a supermodel body, sexy boyfriend and tons of money. everyone loved me. but then i did algebra."

"my teacher told me algebra was important but i haven't used it since high school"

"mr butera is a fag he creeps me out"
by the sexiest girl at loyola January 22, 2009
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