1 definition by the girl with the red bow

Black Veil Brides are an American heavy metal band.
Current line up -
Andy Six (vocals)
Ashley Purdy(Bass)
Jake Pitts(guitar)(he has some really awesome solos)
Christian 'cc' Coma(drums)

Andy Six (NOT SIXX STUPID FAN GIRLS WHO CAN'T SPELL MADE THAT UP) first created the band when he was 14, in Ohio, where he grew up, it was originally called Beirsack.
When he was seventeen he moved to L.A. where he filmed the Knives and Pens video before a real line up was even created. Andy and bassist Ashley Purdy met and agreed on what sort of band they wanted. There were a few line up changes including Sandra Alveranga on drums, Chris Hollywood on guitar and a noob called pan on guitar.
Who cares if you think they look like girls, I like them for their music not their look. Listen to Black Veil Brides before you hate them, they're quite sweet people in real life :)
by the girl with the red bow March 24, 2011
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