1 definition by the girl who will smash your nuts/ovaries.

Scene is another excuse for being emo.

****Scene guys will not talk to anyone thats 'un-scene'. If a unscene girl leaves him a comment on myspace, he WONT comment back or talk to her at all. He will go to local shows and probably is WITH one of the bands that play or there to dance (mosh, two step, throwdown, etc.) like a crazy motherfucker. He's straight edge but smokes ciggarettes because "ciggarettes doesnt count", & he drinks on the downlow. He drives an ugly car and has a job that doesnt pay much. He has a sidekick I,II, or III just so he can be like all the other scene guys and check his myspace and AIM whenever he can. He has 561,844 friends on myspace but only knows about 300 of them.

Scene guys:
-usually very skinny
-tight straight leg jeans
-or tight girl jeans
-choppy hair, lots of hairspray, side bangs
-usually 2 or more colors in their hair
-vans slip on shoes, big nikes, or pumas
-tight, small band shirts with bands you've never heard of before
-small hoodies that are small on them and zipped up all the way
-always wear some kind of wrist band that they got from going to a show or venue
-gauges in their ears
-dance obnoxiously no matter what kind of music it is
-says "nigga" instead of "dude"
-kisses other dudes but claims hes straight
-or claims hes bisexual but wont do more than kiss another guy
-drinks energy drinks alot (usually MONSTER, or REDBULL)
-claims he is vegan/vegetarian/straight edge

****Scene girls are the mean, stuck up, obnoxious ones who will not make any contact with you if you are not scene. They hate little girls who attend shows or concerts, and will pick on them. They too are straigt edge but smoke ciggarettes & drink on the downlow; they call themselves straight edge because basically, being straight edge is 10 scene points right there! They hate when a person that isnt scene likes the same band as her. She only likes bands that arent that famous and goes to every show they play in her state. She also has a million friends on myspace but only knows a little amount of them. she also has a sidekick I,II, or III just so she can be like all the other scene girls and check her myspace and AIM whenever she can. She's a bitch who will act tough but can't fight for her life.

Scene girls:
-choppy, mullet looking hair with side bangs
-usually with 2 or more colors randomly dyed all over the place
-lots of colorful or black eyeliner
-usually colorful eyeshadow (green, purple, blue, yellow)
-lots of coverup to hide her acne that most scene kids have
-Straight legged tight jeans
-HUGE ASS purses/bags
-short skirts with bright colored leggings
-ballet flats/slip on shoes
-tight colorful shirts
-small band shirts with bands we've never heard of
-big necklaces
-huge ass sunglasses or black rimmed glasses
-gauged ears or earrings you have never seen before
-plastic bead neclaces or pearls
-small hoodies
-lots of layers in clothing
-bow ties, clips, or barrets in their hair that you would find a 4 yr old wearing
-Usually shop at thrift stores to look vintage
-claims she is vegan or vegetarian

****They both LOVE:
-t-mobile sidekick I, II, III
-crappy screamo music
-hardcore dancing
-concerts/local shows
-being bitches
-talking shit about everyone thats not scene
-being vegan/vegetarian/straight edge

If you consider yourself scene, you're just another one of those fags who know that you're emo & dont want to admit it because being emo is a bad thing. Being scene is just as stupid. Boys, stop wearing your sisters clothes and squeezing your dick near your zipper. Girls, stop wearing your little brothers/sisters clothes & fix your fucking hair. My little brother can cut hair better than your mullet looking bird nest. Being vegan is like killing all the trees. So...you're not typically saving the animals/world. Being straightedge is a very personal thing and you can't just change your opinion on it. PS, most scene kids are sluts, and being straight edge means you dont have sex or show nudity...so, therefore, you are not straight edge.
zomgz iim s00 scene wiith mi hair iin my fac3 & my tiiGhT JeaNsz, my DiiCK iis lik3 cruSh3d buT iiTsz Ok cAus3 I L00k hawt!!!!!1
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